Our Team


Co-Founder and Spiritual Director

Caiyam, formerly “Cain Carroll,” is a pioneering teacher, author, and coach whose embodiment of radical presence and teachings on awakened consciousness offer a fresh and much-needed blueprint for the new humanity we yearn for. He is the architect of the Nine Petals Model and Clearbright Process that invite seekers to reclaim the wisdom of their own being and the visionary founder of Clearbright Way 501(c)(3).

Caiyam is author of the books Partner Yoga: Making Contact for Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Growth; Mudras of India: A Comprehensive Guide to the Hand Gestures of Yoga and Indian Dance; The Four Dignities: The Spiritual Practice of Walking, Standing, Sitting, and Lying Down, and creator of three instructional DVDs: Pain-Free Joints; Heal Neck & Shoulder Pain; and Digestive Power. He leads in-depth trainings and retreats globally and is sought after for his private coaching work. For more information, please visit 

“Caiyam is the quintessential teacher’s teacher. He walks the talk, speaks to the heart as well as the mind, and brings a teaching energy that fosters awareness and connection to the Divine. His presence and teachings are truly gifts for anyone lucky enough to learn from him.”


— Austin Vickers, author of Stepping Up to a Life of Vision, Passion, & Authentic Power

Nicole Connell

Girls Shine Bright Program Director

Hi! I'm Nicole Connell, an Educational Therapist and Mentor. I design unique educational experiences and support programs for children who learn best outside of the box. I also support pre-teen and teen girls and lead Girls Shine Bright Leadership Circles. 

At the core, I support children in being seen for who they are, honored for their uniqueness, and supported in their growth.

One of the biggest things that breaks my heart is that this generation of kids and teens are more stressed than ever with increasingly high rates of anxiety and depression. This hits home for me because my teen years and early 20s were incredibly challenging. I grew up in San Jose, California and the pressure to succeed and maintain perfect grades was enormous. I was able to achieve this for the most part, but it came at a big cost to my wellbeing. 

I was exhausted and burnt out by the age of 17. I was so used to figuring out what the teacher wanted that I couldn't tap into who I really was and what I wanted when it came time to choose a career path. Something had to change and I immersed myself in wellness practices including yoga, dance and mindfulness to find relief from the pressure of my schooling experience. I eventually became a kids certified yoga teacher as well as a women's dance teacher. I traveled around the world and saw that there were many different perspectives available than the ones I grew up with. Specifically I questioned how our culture views education and what the point of it is if it is leaving children and teens stressed out in the process.

To me, true education is about more than just academic achievement; it's about attuning to the needs of the whole child, nurturing each child's unique gifts and helping children to not just learn well but be well. 

My love of kids and desire to help them thrive led me to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development, a Master’s Degree in Education with a thesis on self-compassion and a Certificate in Educational Therapy. I draw upon my background as a day camp counselor and director, Montessori assistant, kindergarten teacher, and Educational Therapist to create a nurturing, transformative and fun experience for the children that I work with.

Who Do I Work With?

I design unique educational experiences and support for families with a child for whom traditional schooling does not work.

The work I provide for these families is deeply holistic and co-created with the child to meet that child's unique needs.

I specialize in working with preteen and teenage girls who have learning differences and struggle with their mental health.

I also lead Girls Shine Bright Leadership Circles and mentor pre-teen and teen girls who want to build confidence and feel supported while navigating the many transitions of adolescence.​

If your child is struggling in school or with a learning difference and you are deeply seeking support for your child, take a look at some of my articles HERE, and if you are called to learn how we may be able to potentially work together to support your child in getting the support he or she needs to truly learn and succeed – just as they are – then contact me. Let’s talk. 

If your child is transitioning out of the traditional school system or you are already homeschooling and you're seeking support, check out my personalized education page. If you would like to learn more about how I can help your child, then contact me. Let's talk.

If you have a daughter who is wanting to explore more leadership and holistic development of herself as a young woman, check out my Mentoring work and Girls Shine Bright programs. If you are called to learn how we may be able to potentially work together to support your child, then contact me at​

"Nicole's positive attitude, creativity and belief in a holistic approach to educate the whole child is such an inspiration. She's a breath of fresh air!"

- Mom of an 11 year old

Revital Carroll

Co-Founder, Artistic Director, and Clearbright Coach

Revital Carrolll is a senior Clearbright Coach, postnatal doula, and internationally acclaimed performer and teacher of Classical Indian Dance. She has thirty years of experience in mindbody healing and is the founder of Shakti Bhakti School of Dance, author of Mudras of India and the Mudras of Indian Dance Card Deck, and creator of three instructional DVDs: Temple Goddess Workout, Odissi Dance Foundations, and Odissi Dance Spins and Choreography. She studied traditional healing methods and Classical Odissi Dance in India with some of the most eminent dance gurus on the subcontinent. Revital draws her inspiration from the elements of nature, the wisdom of her own body, and the rich spiritual heritage of India. She lives in Northern California, and offers sessions locally and worldwide via Zoom and phone. For more information, please visit 

“Revital is the perfect teacher for students looking for a mind-body-spirit connection in their exercise experience. I took Odissi Dance and yoga classes with her for about 2 years and loved the balance of flexibility, strength training, endurance, discipline, graceful movement, self-awareness, and spiritual centeredness woven into her sessions. Class with Revital is sure to make you look, and feel like a goddess.”

— Hilary Marshall, Graduate student in Physical Therapy, Phoenix, AZ

Mark Tanaka

Senior Facilitator, Clearbright Coach 

I am a teacher and coach who specializes in helping people with nervous system regulation, somatic attachment/developmental trauma repair, and inner child work. I have a unique and diverse background wth 25 years of Eastern self-healing and self-regulation practices such as yoga, qigong, meditation, and Buddhist meditation. I also have training in progressive Western body-based psychology approaches such as Adult Attachment Repair Method (AARM) by Peter Cummings, Parts Work, and Luminous Body Work that I integrate into my sessions.

After 20 years of teaching self-regulation skills through Eastern practices, I’ve transitioned into coaching people on how to address the cumulative traumas and habits that form in the body and mind from early childhood adversity. I’ve found ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) to be central in most people’s challenges in health, self-esteem, relationships, and career. 

In my work, I integrate the insights I’ve gained from Eastern traditional practices with a strong body-based approach. Most chronic trauma like ACEs require a somatic focus that helps to shift the pattern inside the felt experience of the body and nervous system. I help people become empowered in managing their nervous system stress as well as their inner child wounding so they can become the best, mature and most alive version of themselves. For more information, please visit:

“I've been working with Mark for almost 4 years now, and my experience working with him has been profoundly healing and transformative. Mark's energy and guidance is so skillful, compassionate, and potent, I always feel so safe and lovingly supported in his presence. Working with him has brought me into much deeper awareness of my needs, and the psychological and emotional patterns that drive me. As a result of this deeper awareness and the repair/healing work we've done, I'm able to live with more ease and less anxiety.” 

- Tarraneh S