Clearbright Ecosystem

Clearbright is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to offering in-depth classes, trainings, and experiences that foster deep healing and genuine awakening of innate wisdom.

The Clearbright Ecosystem is an open invitation for deep self-study, self-cultivation, and community gathering with like-hearted humans.

 We are an international circle of spiritual friends from all walks of life, united by the shared vision of wholeness and the practice of self-cultivation. 

We have offerings for every level of interest. From weekly self-healing classes to in-depth programs in the Clearbright Process to certification courses in Clearbright Coaching.

There are multiple ways to explore Clearbright.

We like to say that Clearbright Culture works like a beneficial bacteria that spreads wisdom and kindness within the macro-biome of humankind.

There are multiple ways
to explore Clearbright.


We like to say that Clearbright Culture works like a beneficial bacteria that spreads wisdom and kindness within the macro-biome of human kind : )


Clearbright’s mission is to seed a culture of wisdom that nurtures the best of the human spirit. 

We do this through unique programs and in-depth courses that support sincere seekers in their quest for authentic spiritual awakening, self-healing, radiant health, and enlightened living in all areas of Life.


Service: All of our programs are donation-based and open to all who are interested.

Diversity: We value and celebrate diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all beings. We believe in the inherent dignity of all peoples, plants, animals, and the land itself. 

Social Responsibility: We denounce racism, misogyny, xenophobia, trans and homophobia, all forms of oppression, and the valuation of certain lives over others. We do not discriminate based on color, ethnicity, age, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 

Spiritual Maturity: We believe that spiritual maturity means learning how to truly take care of ourselves, each other, and the larger family of the natural world. 

Eco-Responsibility: We see human beings and the earth as one body. Clearbright Culture is eco-positive and we strive to ensure a beneficial biological impact of all our work. 

Genuine Roots: Our programs and curriculums are uniquely crafted in-house by our team of expert collaborators. 

Wisdom School

The Clearbright Wisdom School is a modern full-scale spiritual training institute. Ancient mystery school meets university laboratory meets sacred temple.  

Above all, the School is safe and supportive place for those who feel called to awaken to innate wisdom, explore life’s deeper dimensions, and embody coherence in all Nine Petals of life.  

Through the Clearbright Process and the Clearbright Foundations Course, we guide individuals through radical self-discovery and self-transformation. Student often remak that the Process is like three years of therapy and three hundred hours of meditation. 

Through our Wisdom Keeper Training, we prepare, mentor, and support those who feel called serve as the next generation of wisdom leaders to work as coaches and facilitators in communities around the world. 

The larger vision behind Clearbright’s work, and the purpose of all our offerings, is the development of a wisdom culture. Some people say this is a far-fetched dream, that humanity is doomed. We do not agree. 

We believe an enlightened society is possible, and we’re willing to bet that you do, too!

Our Team

Our founders and collaborators share the common vision of an awakened humanity. We work together to create the world we want to see.


Co-Founder and Spiritual Director

Hi, I'm Caiyam, formerly known as Cain Carroll.

I have been a passionate student of wisdom culture since childhood. My mother was my first spiritual teacher. My thirst for learning took me to India, Tibet, Nepal, China, Japan, and Thailand to study with master teachers of Yoga, Qigong, Buddhism, Daoism, Animism, and self-healing. Over the past thiry years of personal practice, group teaching, and 1:1 coaching, a unique synthesis has emerged; the development of the Nine Petals Model and the Clearbright Process that invite seekers to reclaim the wisdom of their own being.

In 2021, I co-founded Clearbright 501(c)(3) to fulfill my life-long dream of building a global community of wisdom practitioners and making embodied spiritual teachings available to all, regardless of financial means. 

I love to write and share poetry and have authored the books Partner Yoga: Making Contact for Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Growth; Mudras of India: A Comprehensive Guide to the Hand Gestures of Yoga and Indian Dance; The Four Dignities: The Spiritual Practice of Walking, Standing, Sitting, and Lying Down. I lead in-depth trainings and retreats globally and enjoy working with motivated individuals through 1:1 coaching sessions. For more information, please visit

“Caiyam is the quintessential teacher’s teacher. He walks the talk, speaks to the heart as well as the mind, and brings a teaching energy that fosters awareness and connection to the Divine. His presence and teachings are truly gifts for anyone lucky enough to learn from him.”

— Austin Vickers, author of Stepping Up to a Life of Vision, Passion, & Authentic Power

Revital Carroll

Co-Founder, Artistic Director, and Clearbright Coach

Revital Carroll is a senior Clearbright Coach, postpartum doula, and internationally acclaimed teacher of sacred movement and Indian dance. Her passion is to guide and empower clients to thrive in all facets of life. With 30 years of experience in Somatic Healing Arts, Dance, Yoga, and more, Revital has helped thousands of clients release trauma, restore health, and create the life of their dreams.

Drawing inspiration from the elements of nature, the wisdom of her own body, and the rich spiritual heritage of ancient cultures, Revital’s sessions offer a unique blend of embodiment practices, spiritual guidance, and wellness support. Her holistic approach ensures a comprehensive and personalized experience for each client.

Living in Northern California, Revital provides sessions both locally and worldwide (virtually). For more information, please visit

"I feel like I got my life back!

I'm healthier, happier, and excited about what life brings my way. Thank you, Revital, for sharing these gifts with me."

- Niki S. (Mountain View, CA)

“Revital is the perfect teacher for students looking for a mind-body-spirit connection in their exercise experience. I took Odissi Dance and yoga classes with her for about 2 years and loved the balance of flexibility, strength training, endurance, discipline, graceful movement, self-awareness, and spiritual centeredness woven into her sessions. Class with Revital is sure to make you look, and feel like a goddess.”

— Hilary Marshall, Graduate student in Physical Therapy, Phoenix, AZ

Nicole Connell, M.Ed

Girls Shine Bright Program Director

Hi! I'm Nicole Connell, an Educational Therapist and Mentor. I design unique educational experiences and support programs for children who learn best outside of the box. I also support pre-teen and teen girls and lead Girls Shine Bright Leadership Circles.

At the core, I support children in being seen for who they are, honored for their uniqueness, and supported in their growth.

My love of kids and desire to help them thrive led me to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development, a Master’s Degree in Education with a thesis on self-compassion and a Certificate in Educational Therapy. I draw upon my background as a day camp counselor and director, Montessori assistant, kindergarten teacher, and Educational Therapist to create a nurturing, transformative and fun experience for the children that I work with. 

I specialize in working with preteen and teenage girls who have learning differences and struggle with their mental health.

I also lead Clearbright's Girls Shine Bright Leadership Circles and mentor pre-teen and teen girls who want to build confidence and feel supported while navigating the many transitions of adolescence.​

If you have a daughter who is wanting to explore more leadership and holistic development of herself as a young woman, then contact me at​

"Nicole's positive attitude, creativity and belief in a holistic approach to educate the whole child is such an inspiration. She's a breath of fresh air!"​

- Mom of an 11 year old

Mark Tanaka

Senior Facilitator, Clearbright Coach 

Hi, I'm Mark. I am a teacher and coach who specializes in helping people with nervous system regulation, somatic attachment/developmental trauma repair, and inner child work. I have a unique and diverse background wth 25 years of Eastern self-healing and self-regulation practices such as yoga, qigong, meditation, and Buddhist meditation. I also have training in progressive Western body-based psychology approaches such as Adult Attachment Repair Method (AARM) by Peter Cummings, Parts Work, and Luminous Body Work that I integrate into my sessions.

After 20 years of teaching self-regulation skills through Eastern practices, I’ve transitioned into coaching people on how to address the cumulative traumas and habits that form in the body and mind from early childhood adversity. I’ve found ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) to be central in most people’s challenges in health, self-esteem, relationships, and career.

In my work, I integrate the insights I’ve gained from Eastern traditional practices with a strong body-based approach. Most chronic trauma like ACEs require a somatic focus that helps to shift the pattern inside the felt experience of the body and nervous system. I help people become empowered in managing their nervous system stress as well as their inner child wounding so they can become the best, mature and most alive version of themselves. For more information, please visit:

“I've been working with Mark for almost 4 years now, and my experience working with him has been profoundly healing and transformative. Mark's energy and guidance is so skillful, compassionate, and potent, I always feel so safe and lovingly supported in his presence. Working with him has brought me into much deeper awareness of my needs, and the psychological and emotional patterns that drive me. As a result of this deeper awareness and the repair/healing work we've done, I'm able to live with more ease and less anxiety.”

- Tarraneh S.

Helen-Louise Baker, MMus, Dip RCM

Clearbright Facilitator and Musical Advisor 

Hi, I’m Helen. I have a deep interest in qigong, yoga, and meditation and a background in musical performance. These combined interests led me to create simple yoga practices to help musicians maintain their health and nurture the flourishing of their creative endeavors.

I have offered yoga and creativity workshops for musicians in the USA at the University of Alabama, and have enjoyed teaching yoga for the Burwell Bash Traditional Music Summer School in the UK for numerous years. 

I trained in classical flute at the Royal College of Music in London and the University of North Texas. I have a burning passion for world folk music, composition, and creative collaboration. I love to guide and inspire others through folk orchestra workshops that culminate in the sharing, arranging, and performing of traditional tunes and songs.

In 2023 I took part in the FolkonSeñas folk music project based in Berlin, studying the Rhythm with Signs technique (Ritmos con Señas, a unique musical sign language for musicians created by percussionist Santiago Vazquez) to create live arrangements in folk orchestra music.

I enjoy teaching movement classes and facilitating creativity events for the Clearbright am excited about the launch of a new project called the WildFolk Ensemble California, a group dedicated to musical collaboration, cultural exchange, and understanding through folk music and the arts.

I give my heartfelt homage to the incredible teachers who have guided me on this path, and whose limitless creativity continues to inspire: Susan Milan, Mary Karen Clardy, Brian Finnegan, Ernesto Calderón, Caiyam Carroll, Jennifer Prugh, and Tias Little.